Thursday, November 29, 2012

How to create a Tomcat Instance


How to set JAVA_HOME / PATH variables in Windows

1. Create a serverA directory in C:\Apache\Tomcat. This should result to C:\Apache\Tomcat\serverA
2. Create the following empty folders bin, conf, lib, log, temp, webapps, work. There the same folders found in C:\Apache\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-6.0.26
3. In C:\Apache\Tomcat\serverA\bin create startup.bat and put the following 
set CATALINA_HOME=C:\Apache\Tomcat\serverA
4. In C:\Apache\Tomcat\serverA\bin create shutdown.bat and put the following

set CATALINA_HOME=C:\Apache\Tomcat\serverA

5. In C:\Apache\Tomcat\serverA\bin create setenv.bat and put the following. Note that this is where heap size is set.

6. Copy the content of C:\Apache\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-6.0.26\webapps to C:\Apache\Tomcat\serverA\webapps. This will contain the default applications installed with Tomcat including the manager.

7. Copy the content of C:\Apache\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-6.0.26\conf to C:\Apache\Tomcat\serverA\conf

8. Edit server.xml modify the port numbers. I will leave server to the default ports but all additional instances will be incremented by 1; for example serverB will have port 8081.

9. Edit tomcat-user.xml and rolename=”manager”. This will be used in accessing the manager application.

10. At this point the server can be started using the startup script.

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